Liquid Amyl

Buy Liquid Gold Poppers
Much appreciated in the UK, inspired by the best-seller since the 1970s offers a very refreshing formula and a powerful product, which quickly and lastingly aromatizes the room and makes all its occupants kinky and naughty. The English have turned it into a bedroom gadget and use when dressing up for a party or going clubbing. (AMYL Version).
Liquid gold poppers UK: Among the finest leather cleaning chemicals in the world
Poppers are the most commonly used alternative name for Amyl Nitrite. The substance is preferred leather cleaner substance for people from all across the world. Amyl Nitrite similarly finds some applications across the healthcare industry as well.
What is liquid gold poppers?
Propyle nitrite is sold in small glass bottles that pop open, and the substance is hence known as Poppers. Poppers have a historic connotation for being a recreational drug. But for cleaning leather goods, it is very effective, though direct contact with skin should be avoided. Poppers are the finest way to rejuvenate leather jackets that have begun to show signs of aging. They similarly deliver a new-like shine to gadgets such as VCRs, and CD/DVD players.
We manufacture Amyl Nitrite and not Butyl Nitrite, which is the banned recreational drug across the US and the UK. Our gold liquid poppers are intended to be used as a product that will enhance your sex life and anal relaxation.